Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hi cats of moonclan! I have deceided that just for fun im gonna post some riddles! ( u dont actually have to read through them) however, if u DO want to read the riddles, highlight below the question to know the awnser

1.I am lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold me for very long. What am I?
2.Three guys run into a bar, the fourth man ducks. Why does he duck?
-He didn't want to hit the bar
3.How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
-open the door, put him in, close the door
4.How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
-open the door, take the girraff out, put im in, close the door
5.All of the animals go to a meeting for the Lion King. One animal doesnt show up. Which animal doesn't come?
-the elephant (he's in the refrigerator)
6.You come to a river that aligators live in. There is no boat, raft, bridge, nor material to make
them. How do you get accross?
-jump in and swim across. the aligators are at the meeting
7.A fifteen foot rope is tied to a horse. The horse is 25 feet from a stack of hay. How can the
horse get to the hay?

-the rope isn't tied to anything but the horse
8.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?
-8: take the top half away, and the "o" is left
9.How can you drop an egg 3 feet without breaking it?
-drop the egg from 4 feet. it will fall 3 feet without hitting anything
10.How can you make a fire with only one stick?
-make sure itsa matchstick
11.How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato soup?
-by looking at the lable
12.Can giraffes have babies?
-no, theyhave girraffs
13.What has four wheels and flies?
-a dumpster
14.Feed me and I live, give me something to drink and I'll die. What am I?
15.What has eyes but cannot see?
-a needle
16.When is a door not a door?
-when its a jar
17.What part the cake is left?
-the part thats not eaten


  1. Nice! My favorite was the door/a jar one! Really clever! Interesting for sure!

  2. i think the first one is air, lol im not that smart so iunno :P

  3. if u wanna find out the awnser, just highlight in the space underneath the question. i have written the awnsers in black so that it wont show up against the background, but when u highlight where it is, it shows up

  4. Oh how clever! (I was wondering how you did that!)
